When you step on your front porch, you think, “Today is going to be a good day.” Romance is embedded in our life every day of our lives but it doesn’t always affect our everyday lives. Romanticism is what keeps the drowsy days run. It gives you the hope that it will get better or tomorrow will be a better day. When romance is taken out of our life, we will fall apart on the bad days, and the wheels might stop turning.
The book Tom Sawyer is a very romanticized book but yet, has its ups and downs. Tom, who is an uncanny and gaunt boy, has his days but always seems to no matter what, make it turn out good. We have our ups and downs in life, but they don’t always come out the way that we want them to. When people are so possessed on what their choices are now, they don’t think about the life that they have in front of them. The book Tom Sawyer has a romantic view on this to the point where Tom doesn’t think about what is ahead of him but what is here right now. He thinks about what can make his life better and more enjoyable for him not in the future but right now. Whatever the choice may be, he will always be loved by his aunt and his brothers and sisters and everyone in the town of St. Petersburg.
Romanticism leads everyone to a happy ending. If there is no romance, life isn’t as enjoyable as it is meant to be. When people are pressured every day, they are forced to use their extra boost of happiness that is stored away to help boost us up. Tom Sawyer lives in a world that romance dominates all forces. Tom can’t go wrong in the book. Even when he discreetly runs away from home, he doesn’t get punished. When he appears at his own funeral, he is flourished with hugs and kisses but his aunt takes all the blame for his running away. He can’t go wrong in his life. He is always on the road to happiness and can never be put down.
The book Tom Sawyer is an adventure of happiness. Happiness should be the guide of our life every day. When greed or want or need steps in, we are almost lured into what not that makes us happy, but what we want to be at the top of the tree. Greed and happiness don’t coagulate. We are so caught up with money and our level of power. Tom Sawyer doesn’t care if he has money or toys, he just follow his heart. That is why he is always ends up on the right end of the stick. He doesn’t care what it might impact him because it is what makes him happy. He is never down and always has belief because he always has that little extra happiness in him.
Tom Sawyer is a book of happiness and romance. When your life is guided by power and money and things that you may think is good, but doesn’t make you happy it isn’t to its full potential. The guide to life is happiness. Everyone needs the happiness and they need hope for a better day. When people don’t have that hope and happiness they can’t resume after a tough day and it starts to wear away at their soul. Tom Sawyer is guided by a life of happiness and everything turns out the way it is suppose to. He has that little bit of extra happiness in him and his soul is filled with joy.
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