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Wednesday, November 3, 2010


There is nothing like it. Nothing can have more of a tole on family and friends alike. People risk their lives for America. Very little people have to go through the pain of veterans. People don’t realize what a sacrifice it is to go to war. To fight for your country. To fight for what you believe is right. We don’t appreciate veterans enough. Of course patriotism matters. We don’t realize what veterans do for us. Veterans are the heart and the soul of our country and they should be more appreciated than they are today.

People don’t realize what veterans have to go through in the world that veterans live in. They have a concrete image in their mind of what the war was like. The images of their friends and family dying right before their very eyes. Veterans go through so much. People don’t realize that the most of the troubles that veterans face isn’t in the war, but after the war. The things that veterans go through after the war is sometimes much worse than what they do during the war. Half of the reason is during the war, the people around them appreciate what they’re doing. Once they get out of the war, people don’t appreciate what they have done. Veterans should be appreciated more in this great country of ours.

One thing that people don’t understand is that patriots aren’t just navel officers or people that have been in the army. Everyone that does something for this country is a patriot. I think everyone in this great country is a patriot. People like bus drivers, sewage treatment plants, firemen, etc. Just the little things that people don’t seem to notice make the United States possible. People assume that just army or veterans are patriots but we forget a lot of people in our country and we leave them out. We need to be more appreciative of all of the people that do the little things in this country, that make our lives easier, and possible.

All in all, patriotism matters. People don’t appreciate patriots enough. We take our patriots for grant it. We take them and just throw them under the bus when really, they mean much more than a lot of the people in this world. We don’t appreciate what some people do for us. This luxurious life that we our living, could not be possible without these patriots. Many people are patriots, and they are truly the ones that matter in this country.

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